We may never fully understand, much less control, the biologic complexity of Life. Sublime yet violent, beautiful yet chaotic, vigorous yet prone to decay, our biological state of being – the stuff that makes us Human – is how we experience our lives. This sense of being at the mercy of the Unknowable, the Inscrutable, is what drives my art, something I call Biological Expressionism.
The paintings here are presented in roughly reverse chronological order of their creation (present day back to when I was a teenager). Lately I’ve grown fond of a paint pouring technique that mimics the life-forms seen under a microscope or even swirls of earthy particulate, all through an expressionist lens. Alive but ephemeral, the mortal coil on canvas.
This site was hacked twice and turned into a computer hardware store in a foreign language I didn’t recognize, then later an online pharmacy. Apparently it generates enough traffic to warrant these dark arts…..I’m both annoyed and flattered.